
How To Make New Blocks In Minecraft

Proper noun Ingredients Crafting recipe Description
Nether Bricks Nether Brick
Red Nether Bricks Under Wart +
Under Brick
Chiseled Nether Bricks Nether Brick Slab
Cake of Quartz Under Quartz
Chiseled Quartz Cake Quartz Slab
Quartz Pillar Block of Quartz


Quartz Bricks Block of Quartz


Hay Bale Wheat
Dyed Rug White Carpet +
Matching Colored Dye

8 8 8 viii 8 8 viii 8 8 8 8 8 eight 8 viii

Dyed Terracotta Terracotta +
Matching Dye

8 eight 8 8 viii 8 8 8 8 eight 8 viii viii 8 8 8

Packed Ice Water ice
Granite Diorite +
Under Quartz
Polished Granite Granite


Sea Lantern Prismarine Shard +
Prismarine Crystals
Coarse Dirt Clay +


Andesite Diorite +


Polished Andesite Andesite


Prismarine Prismarine Shard
Prismarine Bricks Prismarine Shard
Dark Prismarine Prismarine Shard +
Black Dye
Dark Prismarine Prismarine Shard +
Ink Sac
[ Bedrock and Didactics editions only ]
Magma Block Magma Cream
End Stone Bricks Cease Stone


Bone Block Bone Meal
Nether Wart Cake Nether Wart Irreversible
Purpur Block Popped Chorus Fruit


Purpur Pillar Purpur Slab
Concrete Powder Matching Dye +
Sand +

8 viii 8 viii 8 8 8 8 viii viii 8 8 8 viii 8 8

White Concrete Powder or
Blue Physical Pulverization or
Brown Concrete Pulverization or
Blackness Concrete Pulverization
Bone Repast or
Lapis Lazuli or
Cocoa Beans or
Ink Sac +
Sand +

viii 8 eight 8

[ Bedrock and Education editions only ]
Conduit Nautilus Shell +
Heart of the Sea
Dried Kelp Block Dried Kelp
Wood or
Matching Log or
Matching Stem

three three 3 3 iii 3 3 three 3

Stripped Wood or
Stripped Hyphae
Matching Stripped Log or
Matching Stripped Stalk

iii three 3 three 3 3 3 3 iii

Block of Emerald Emerald
Block of Coal Coal
Polished Blackstone Bricks Polished Blackstone


Chain Fe Nugget +
Iron Ingot
Block of Netherite Netherite Ingot
Polished Blackstone Blackstone


Chiseled Polished Blackstone Polished Blackstone Slab
Block of Gold Gold Ingot
Stained Glass Glass +
Matching Dye

viii eight 8 eight viii 8 8 8 8 8 eight 8 viii 8 eight viii

Wood Stairs Matching Planks

4 4 4 4 4 4 four 4 4

Stone Stairs Stone


Cobblestone Stairs or
Mossy Cobblestone Stairs
Cobblestone or
Mossy Cobblestone

4 4

Rock Brick Stairs or
Mossy Stone Brick Stairs
Stone Bricks or
Mossy Rock Bricks

4 4

Andesite Stairs or
Polished Andesite Stairs
Andesite or
Polished Andesite

4 iv

Diorite Stairs or
Polished Diorite Stairs
Diorite or
Polished Diorite

4 4

Granite Stairs or
Polished Granite Stairs
Granite or
Polished Granite

4 four

Sandstone Stairs or
Red Sandstone Stairs
Sandstone or
Red Sandstone

4 4

Shine Sandstone Stairs or
Shine Red Sandstone Stairs
Smooth Sandstone or
Smooth Crimson Sandstone

iv iv

Brick Stairs Bricks


Prismarine Stairs or
Prismarine Brick Stairs or
Dark Prismarine Stairs
Prismarine or
Prismarine Bricks or
Nighttime Prismarine

Prismarine Prismarine Prismarine Prismarine Prismarine Prismarine
Prismarine Stairs 4 4 four

Nether Brick Stairs or
Blood-red Nether Brick Stairs
Nether Bricks or
Red Nether Bricks

4 4

Quartz Stairs Any Quartz Block


Smooth Quartz Stairs Smoothen Quartz Block


Purpur Stairs Whatsoever Purpur Block


End Stone Brick Stairs End Rock Bricks


Blackstone Stairs or
Polished Blackstone Stairs or
Polished Blackstone Brick Stairs
Blackstone or
Polished Blackstone or
Polished Blackstone Bricks

4 iv 4

Cut Copper Stairs or
Exposed Cutting Copper Stairs or
Weathered Cut Copper Stairs or
Oxidized Cut Copper Stairs
Cut Copper or
Exposed Cut Copper or
Weathered Cutting Copper or
Oxidized Cut Copper

iv 4 iv four

Waxed Cut Copper Stairs or
Waxed Exposed Cut Copper Stairs or
Waxed Weathered Cut Copper Stairs or
Waxed Oxidized Cut Copper Stairs
Waxed Cut Copper or
Waxed Exposed Cut Copper or
Waxed Weathered Cut Copper or
Waxed Oxidized Cut Copper

four four 4 iv

Waxed Cutting Copper Stairs or
Waxed Exposed Cutting Copper Stairs or
Waxed Weathered Cutting Copper Stairs or
Waxed Oxidized Cutting Copper Stairs
Cut Copper Stairs or
Exposed Cutting Copper Stairs or
Weathered Cut Copper Stairs or
Oxidized Cutting Copper Stairs +
Cobbled Deepslate Stairs or
Polished Deepslate Stairs or
Deepslate Brick Stairs or
Deepslate Tile Stairs
Cobbled Deepslate or
Polished Deepslate or
Deepslate Bricks or
Deepslate Tiles

four 4 4 four

Mud Brick Stairs Mud Bricks


Bricks Brick
Bookshelf Any Planks +
Snow Block Snowball
Clay Dirt Ball
Jack o'Lantern Carved Pumpkin +
Glowstone Glowstone Dust
Block of Lapis Lazuli Lapis Lazuli
Sandstone or
Red Sandstone
Sand or
Blood-red Sand
Cut Sandstone or
Cut Red Sandstone
Sandstone or
Ruby Sandstone

4 4

Chiseled Sandstone or
Chiseled Red Sandstone
Sandstone Slab or
Carmine Sandstone Slab
Wood Slab Matching Planks

half dozen 6 6 half-dozen 6 6 six half dozen half dozen

Stone Slab or
Smoothen Stone Slab
Stone or
Smoothen Stone

vi 6

Cobblestone Slab or
Mossy Cobblestone Slab
Asphalt or
Mossy Cobblestone

6 6

Stone Brick Slab or
Mossy Rock Brick Slab
Stone Bricks or
Mossy Stone Bricks

6 6

Andesite Slab or
Polished Andesite Slab
Andesite or
Polished Andesite

6 6

Diorite Slab or
Polished Diorite Slab
Diorite or
Polished Diorite

6 6

Granite Slab or
Polished Granite Slab
Granite or
Polished Granite

6 6

Sandstone Slab or
Crimson Sandstone Slab
Sandstone or
Chiseled Sandstone or
Red Sandstone or
Chiseled Cherry Sandstone

6 6 6 six

Cut Sandstone Slab or
Cut Scarlet Sandstone Slab
Cut Sandstone or
Cut Scarlet Sandstone

6 half-dozen

Smoothen Sandstone Slab or
Smooth Carmine Sandstone Slab
Smooth Sandstone or
Shine Red Sandstone

6 6

Brick Slab Bricks


Prismarine Slab or
Prismarine Brick Slab or
Dark Prismarine Slab
Prismarine or
Prismarine Bricks or
Dark Prismarine

Prismarine Prismarine Prismarine
Prismarine Slab 6 half-dozen 6

Under Brick Slab or
Red Nether Brick Slab
Nether Bricks or
Red Nether Bricks

6 six

Quartz Slab Whatever Quartz Block


Smooth Quartz Slab Smoothen Quartz Block


Purpur Slab Any Purpur Block


[ Java Edition only ]
Purpur Slab Purpur Block


[ Boulder Edition only ]
End Rock Brick Slab End Rock Bricks


Blackstone Slab or
Polished Blackstone Slab or
Polished Blackstone Brick Slab
Blackstone or
Polished Blackstone or
Polished Blackstone Bricks

6 6 6

Cutting Copper Slab or
Exposed Cutting Copper Slab or
Weathered Cutting Copper Slab or
Oxidized Cut Copper Slab
Cut Copper or
Exposed Cutting Copper or
Weathered Cut Copper or
Oxidized Cut Copper

6 6 6 6

Waxed Cut Copper Slab or
Waxed Exposed Cut Copper Slab or
Waxed Weathered Cut Copper Slab or
Waxed Oxidized Cut Copper Slab
Waxed Cutting Copper or
Waxed Exposed Cut Copper or
Waxed Weathered Cutting Copper or
Waxed Oxidized Cut Copper

vi six 6 6

Waxed Cut Copper Slab or
Waxed Exposed Cut Copper Slab or
Waxed Weathered Cut Copper Slab or
Waxed Oxidized Cut Copper Slab
Cutting Copper Slab or
Exposed Cut Copper Slab or
Weathered Cut Copper Slab or
Oxidized Cutting Copper Slab +
Cobbled Deepslate Slab or
Polished Deepslate Slab or
Deepslate Brick Slab or
Deepslate Tile Slab
Cobbled Deepslate or
Polished Deepslate or
Deepslate Bricks or
Deepslate Tiles

6 half dozen 6 half-dozen

Mud Brick Slab Mud Bricks


Melon Melon Slice
Stone Bricks Stone


Mossy Rock Bricks Stone Bricks +
Mossy Stone Bricks Stone Bricks +
Moss Block
Chiseled Stone Bricks Stone Brick Slab
Block of Iron Iron Ingot
Tinted Glass Amethyst Shard +


Block of Amethyst Amethyst Shard
White Wool Cord
Dyed Wool White Wool +
Matching Colored Dye
[ Java Edition but ]
Wool Any Wool +
Matching Dye
[ Bedrock and Education editions only ]
White Wool Any Dyed Wool +
[ Bedrock and Teaching editions simply ]
Scaffolding Bamboo +


Dripstone Cake Pointed Dripstone
Overworld Planks Matching Log or
Matching Stripped Log or
Matching Woods or
Matching Stripped Wood

4 four 4 iv iv 4 four

Planks Matching Stem or
Matching Stripped Stem or
Matching Hyphae or
Matching Stripped Hyphae

4 4

Blue Water ice Packed Ice
Polished Deepslate Cobbled Deepslate


Chiseled Deepslate Cobbled Deepslate Slab
Diorite Cobblestone +
Nether Quartz


Polished Diorite Diorite


Deepslate Tiles Deepslate Bricks


Deepslate Bricks Polished Deepslate


Block of Copper Copper Ingot
Cutting Copper or
Exposed Cut Copper or
Weathered Cut Copper or
Oxidized Cut Copper
Cake of Copper or
Exposed Copper or
Weathered Copper or
Oxidized Copper

4 iv 4 4

Waxed Block of Copper or
Waxed Exposed Copper or
Waxed Weathered Copper or
Waxed Oxidized Copper or
Waxed Cut Copper or
Waxed Exposed Cut Copper or
Waxed Weathered Cut Copper or
Waxed Oxidized Cut Copper
Block of Copper or
Exposed Copper or
Weathered Copper or
Oxidized Copper or
Cut Copper or
Exposed Cut Copper or
Weathered Cutting Copper or
Oxidized Cut Copper +
Waxed Cutting Copper or
Waxed Exposed Cut Copper or
Waxed Weathered Cutting Copper or
Waxed Oxidized Cut Copper
Waxed Block of Copper or
Waxed Exposed Copper or
Waxed Weathered Copper or
Waxed Oxidized Copper

iv 4 4 iv

Block of Raw Gilded Raw Aureate
Block of Raw Iron Raw Iron
Cake of Diamond Diamond
Mossy Asphalt Asphalt +
Mossy Cobblestone Cobblestone +
Moss Block
Hardened Drinking glass Aluminum Oxide +
Glass +
Boron Trioxide


A representation of alumino-borosilicate glass.‌[ Bedrock and Pedagogy editions only ]
Hardened Stained Glass Aluminum Oxide +
Matching Stained Glass +
Boron Trioxide

3 3 3 iii 3 3 3 three 3 3 3 3 3 three three iii

A representation of alumino-borosilicate glass.‌[ Boulder and Education editions only ]
Block of Raw Copper Raw Copper
Mud Bricks Packed Mud


Mud Brick Slab Mud Bricks


Mud Brick Stairs Mud Bricks


Mud Brick Wall Mud Bricks


How To Make New Blocks In Minecraft,


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